Salvete Discipuli! Welcome to Isaac Bear Latin

03 November 2009

Chapter 2 Text Rendering

Your post should include:
1. 4 sentences from Chapter 2
2. 4 phrases from those sentences
3. 4 main words from the phrases
This should sum up Chapter 2: I play dodgeball with cannibals.

Percy and the Cannibals

Who are the Laistrygonians? Who encounters them in Greek mythology? Why do you think Riordan used them to attack Percy and Tyson?

28 October 2009

Questions 3: Learning Disabilities

Percy's learning difficulties become strenghts in a different context. What skills are valued most in today's society? How might students who struggle today have been successful in a different moment in history?

Question 2-The Effects of the Mist

When describing the effects of the mist, Chiron says, "Remarkable really, the lengths humans will go to fit things into their version of reality." How is this true in the novel? In Greek mythology?

Post your responses here.

Question1-Ares loves America

The god Ares says he lvoes America. He calls it "the best place since Sparta." WHat does he mean? Do you agree with his assessment of America?

Post your responses here. Make sure you list your name with the post.

13 October 2009

Cabin Fever

Ares post here

10 October 2009

Cabin Fever-Journal Directions

Studentes-Find your cabin and post the following information:
1. Why did you choose this cabin? Be specific
2. Create a fictional character for yourself, including your name and hobbies at camp Half-Blood
3. With the other campers in your cabin, come up with a theme for your flag. You will design your own flag with symbols appropriate for your god or goddess. You must dialogue with other campers to do this.
4. Elect a team leader
5. Brain storm on how to play capture the flag at UNCW.

Cabin Fever

Demeter and Artemis post here

Cabin Fever

Athena post here

Cabin Fever

Aphrodite post here

Cabin Fever

Dionysus post here

Cabin Fever

Hermes post here

Cabin Fever

Hephaestus post here

Cabin Fever

Apollo post here

Cabin Fever

Ares post here

Cabin Fever

Poseidon Post Here

Cabin Fever

Zeus Post Here

23 September 2009

Ancient Rome in Google Earth

Google has now introduced a 3-D model of Ancient Rome on Google Earth, check it out!

-Discipula Kelsey the Ewok for Magrista Gagner =]

14 August 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Students!
Please check my teacher website: for important information.
Magistra Gagner

07 April 2009

L'Aquila Earthquake

Please share your thoughts, concerns, well-wishes and prayers to our global neighbors who are suffereing in the wake of the L'Aquila earthquakes. You may post anonymously.

06 April 2009

Bilingualism (Wednesday warm-up)

Share your thoughts on the poll that states 83% of Americans disagree with the need to become a bilingual country. Give some suggestions as to how the educational system might improve second language learning.

Persecution (Tuesday Warm-up)

Persecution--Have you ever been persecuted for your religous beliefs, race, socio-economic status, or gender? If not share a story of someone you know who has been persecuted and the outcome. Please include: what happened, how it made you feel, how you could change the situation or make it so it does not happen again.

Tolerance (Monday Warm-up)

What is tolerance? How can we teach/learn tolerance? Why is it important in today's world?

19 March 2009

Foreign Language Week Celebration Pics

Here are some pics from our Foreign Language Week Celebration. More to come...

16 March 2009

Ciao--Hola--Guten Tag--Bonjour
Foreign Language Week: March 16-20

Students will celebrate different foreign languages this week in class. Each class will present information on a specific country. Students will prepare food found in their chosen country and will watch an Italian, Spanish, French, or German foreign film. In addition, students will give power point or movie maker presentations on the country of their choice. Students will plan a trip to their country and provide information on language, customs, currency, etc.

17 February 2009

The Founding of Rome

The Founding of Rome: post here

Late Roman Republic

Late Roman Republic: post here

Early Roman Republic

Early Roman Republic: post here

History: Roman Monarchy

Roman Monarchy: Post here

5th Declension Nouns

5th Declension Nouns: post here

4th Declension Nouns

4th Declension Nouns: Post here
3rd Declension nouns: post here
1st and 2nd Declension nouns: post here

05 February 2009

Rotation 2: Verbs-Pluperfect and Future Perfect Tenses

Post here.

Rotation 2: Verbs-Perfect Tense

Post here.

Rotation 2: Verbs-Future Tense

Post here for Future Tense Verbs

Rotation 2: Verbs-Imperfect Tense

Post here.

Rotation 1: Mythology-Gods/Goddesses

Post your lesson plans and activities here.

Rotation 1: Mythology-Metamorphoses

Post your lesson plans and activities here.

Rotation 1 Mythology-Hercules

Post your lesson plans and activities here.

Rotation 1: Mythology-Hubris

Post your lesson plans and activities here.

02 February 2009

Why Learn Latin? I'm sure this question has come to your mind a time or two. Here are some reasons for encouragement:

Latin Grammar is the Best Grounding for Education. Unlike their parents, your school aged children have time to devote to acquiring a skill that will last them a lifetime. But why should they learn Latin? Dorothy Sayers says it best:
I will say at once, quite firmly, that the best grounding for education is the Latin grammar. I say this not because Latin is traditional and medieval, but simply because even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and pains of learning almost any other subject by at least 50 percent. -- From the National Review .

Maximize SAT scores. Through Latin, test takers can guess at the meanings of new words because they already know the roots and prefixes. But it's not just enhanced vocabulary. Math scores also increase.

Latin is dead, NOT! The only thing that is dead is the mind of the person who says "Latin is dead." Latin is not dead, it's eternal. Latin is "dead" the way your great-grandparents are "dead," the way the US Constitution is "dead," or the way the soldiers who took the beaches of Normandy are "dead." We continue to live by their deeds, influences, and inspiration. If not for them, we would not be here. If not for Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian would not be here either. Remember that scene from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"? To wit:
"...OK, OK, besides the roads, system of government, sanitation, personal safety, language, culture, and the rule of law, what have the Romans ever done for us?"

Student Work

Students will post lesson plans covering nouns, verbs, mythology and history. Please refer to these submissions for extra practice and review.