Salvete Discipuli! Welcome to Isaac Bear Latin

07 April 2009

L'Aquila Earthquake

Please share your thoughts, concerns, well-wishes and prayers to our global neighbors who are suffereing in the wake of the L'Aquila earthquakes. You may post anonymously.

06 April 2009

Bilingualism (Wednesday warm-up)

Share your thoughts on the poll that states 83% of Americans disagree with the need to become a bilingual country. Give some suggestions as to how the educational system might improve second language learning.

Persecution (Tuesday Warm-up)

Persecution--Have you ever been persecuted for your religous beliefs, race, socio-economic status, or gender? If not share a story of someone you know who has been persecuted and the outcome. Please include: what happened, how it made you feel, how you could change the situation or make it so it does not happen again.

Tolerance (Monday Warm-up)

What is tolerance? How can we teach/learn tolerance? Why is it important in today's world?