Salvete Discipuli! Welcome to Isaac Bear Latin

03 November 2009

Chapter 2 Text Rendering

Your post should include:
1. 4 sentences from Chapter 2
2. 4 phrases from those sentences
3. 4 main words from the phrases
This should sum up Chapter 2: I play dodgeball with cannibals.

Percy and the Cannibals

Who are the Laistrygonians? Who encounters them in Greek mythology? Why do you think Riordan used them to attack Percy and Tyson?

28 October 2009

Questions 3: Learning Disabilities

Percy's learning difficulties become strenghts in a different context. What skills are valued most in today's society? How might students who struggle today have been successful in a different moment in history?

Question 2-The Effects of the Mist

When describing the effects of the mist, Chiron says, "Remarkable really, the lengths humans will go to fit things into their version of reality." How is this true in the novel? In Greek mythology?

Post your responses here.

Question1-Ares loves America

The god Ares says he lvoes America. He calls it "the best place since Sparta." WHat does he mean? Do you agree with his assessment of America?

Post your responses here. Make sure you list your name with the post.

13 October 2009

Cabin Fever

Ares post here

10 October 2009

Cabin Fever-Journal Directions

Studentes-Find your cabin and post the following information:
1. Why did you choose this cabin? Be specific
2. Create a fictional character for yourself, including your name and hobbies at camp Half-Blood
3. With the other campers in your cabin, come up with a theme for your flag. You will design your own flag with symbols appropriate for your god or goddess. You must dialogue with other campers to do this.
4. Elect a team leader
5. Brain storm on how to play capture the flag at UNCW.