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05 February 2009

Rotation 2: Verbs-Future Tense

Post here for Future Tense Verbs


htperiod2 said...

This is a song to remember the endings to future tense verbs in the 3rd and 4th conjugations (it goes to the tune of "Mary had a Little Lamb"):

Am Es Et
Emus Etis Ent

Am Es Et
Emus Etis Ent

This is, this is future tense
third and forth conjugation!

J Gagner said...

When working with future tense verbs we came up with the idea of making dolls/puppets. We decided to distribute each doll uniquely by making 12 to where they were “children” of mother “Futuress”, which hints the name, future. Now there are 12 verb endings in future tense verbs, which include 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th declension. So, the story goes as follows: The once was a lady named “Mother Futuress”. She had 12 children, 6 girls and 6 boys. [note= each child follows the rule of primary (red, blue, yellow) and secondary (purple, green, orange) colors] So with future tense you would have to put a “will” in the sentence. So the first children were girls. There was BO and BIS, who will have “red” hair. Then BIT and BIMUS who will have “blue” eyes. And then there’s BITIS and BUNT who will have “yellow” locks. Then there were the boys. So there was IAM and IES who will only eat “purple” grape jelly. Then there’s IET and IEMUS who will have “green” eyes. Then finally there’s IETIS and IENT who will have “orange” hair. Now to actually make this story to come alive, we made puppets that fitted into each other by shape (like a Russian Matryoshka doll) and drew each characteristic on each puppy explaining their role such as the red hair or the green eyes.

Willis said...

Verb (roll one)
1. amo, -are, -avi, to like, love
2. admoveo, admovēre, admovi, admotus, to move forward
3. exito, -are, -avi, -atus, to rouse, wake (someone) up
4. ferio, -ire, -ivi, itus, to hit
5. ludo, ludere, lusi, lusurus, to play
6. nesio, -ire, ivi, itus, to be ignorant,
not to know

Ending (Roll two)
1. o
2. s
3. t
4. mus
5. tis
6. nt

1st and 2nd Conjugations
Singular Plural
bo bimus
bis bitis
bit bunt

3rd and 4th Conjugations
Singular Plural
um emus
es etis
et ent

Writing the verb - present stem bi (for 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs) then personal ending
Writing the verb – present stem and then the corresponding ending using the chart

Translate – “will”

amabo – I will love
audium – I will hear


The first roll will choose your verb and the second roll will choice your ending to make it a future tense verb.
The rest are rules of the future tense verbs.

Period 3 LS said...

We made a matching game to help remember the furute tense verbs.
Pairs of carsd were either latin/english (translating), endings/person and number, and endings/conjugation. This way you could learn how to correctly form and translate future tense verbs.