For our lesson plan we had a cube that had 3 different 3rd declension nouns on it and on the 4th side we had the noun endings chart. We taught how to recognize 3rd declension nouns: genitive singular ending '-is'. Our game was to role the cube and whatever picture it landed on, you had to tell what 3rd declension noun it was. For example vox was one of the words and we had a picture of a mouth and some sound coming out of it.
Arbor, arboris – tree
Clamor, clamoris – shout, shouting
Fragor, fragoris – crash, noise
Nom ___ es subject
Gen is um possessive
dat i ibus indirect object
acc em es direct object
abl e ibus preposition
Sub arboribus – ________________
Under the trees
Fragores audit – ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________
He/she hears a crash
Clamores sunt – _______________
They are shouting
Kayla period 2
3rd Declension Nouns
For our lesson plan we had a cube that had 3 different 3rd declension nouns on it and on the 4th side we had the noun endings chart. We taught how to recognize 3rd declension nouns: genitive singular ending '-is'. Our game was to role the cube and whatever picture it landed on, you had to tell what 3rd declension noun it was. For example vox was one of the words and we had a picture of a mouth and some sound coming out of it.
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