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05 February 2009

Rotation 2: Verbs-Imperfect Tense

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d r said...

(Period 3)Imperfect verbs - describe actions that took place in the past AND are continuous or repeated.
-Recognize them by tense marker "BA"
Translated "was/were", "_ed", "used to" or "kept"
Use Mikey Mouse endings, -m is alternate for -o ending
Ex: Curreba- Currebam
Amaba- Amabam

Irregular Imperfect verbs
Sum, esse, fui, futurus

Present form
Sum (I am) Sumus (we are)
Es (you are) Estis (y'all are)
Est (he/she/it is) Sunt (they are)

Ms. PaperPlanes_011 said...

‘BA’ is tense marker

Exspectabat- He waited for. 1st person, plural, 1st conj.

Parabant- They prepared for. 3rd person, plural, 1st conj.

Nolebamus- We were unwilling.1st person, plural, 1st conj.

Amabatis- Ya’ll loved. 2nd person, plural, 1st conj

Amabat- he/she loved. 3rd person, plural, 1st conj

Amabamus- we loved 1st person, plural, 1st conj

period 3 dr said...

Oops forgot, Mickey mouse endings go to tune of Mickey mouse song and are:
O (I)
S (you)
T (he/she/it)
Mus (we)
Tis (y'all)
nt (they)
Present tense
Present tense
This is when our verbs are happening now!

Also the game was just to translate 2 latin imperfect verbs into english, and to translate 3 english statements into latin imperfect verbs.

Britton said...

Period 2

Imperfect Memory Game
- find the present and imperfect match and then translate the imperfect verb.

words used
- punis, punibas
- volo, volebam
- amat, amabat
- audis, audibas

- With a white board create your own imperfect verb