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17 February 2009

5th Declension Nouns

5th Declension Nouns: post here


Period 3 B.K. said...

For this assignment I made notes for everyone on 5th Declension Nouns (below they are shown). For the game we were supossed to play I made a matching game with the endings of 5th declension nouns and wheter it was singular or plural. You can find the endings and match them correctly if you look at the first bulleted points made after commonly recongized endings in the notes.

5th Declension Nouns Notes

-Commonly recognized with the endings……
.Singular -
.nominative -es
.genitive -ei
.dative -ei
.accusative -em
.ablative –e
.nominative -es
.genitive -erum
.dative -ebus
.accusative -es
.ablative -ebus

-5th Declension nouns tend to be feminine.

- When looking at dictionary entry’s for Latin nouns, you can tell what declension it is by looking at the genitive singular. (If the gen. sing ends with –ei, it is in the 5th declension).
.Some examples of 5th Declension nouns in definitions would be……..
.effigies, effigiei, f., effigy
.fides, fidei, f., faith
.res, rei, f., thing
.spes, spei, f., hope

-Some examples of nouns in the fifth declension of the word dies (day) would be……
.Nominative - dies
.Genitive- diei
.Dative diei or die
.Accusative - diem
.Ablative – die
.Nominative - dies
.Genitive - dierum
.Dative - diebus
.Accusative - dies
.Ablative – diebus

Jane said...

For this lesson, I made fill in the blank worksheet and told my peers to try to fill out as much as they know.

Once they were finished I went over the fifth declension nouns, and worksheet.

Fill In The blank:
In Latin nouns are separated in something called _______. The fifth declension is like the first declension which is _________. The fifth stem is sometimes called ________ nouns. Sometimes people mistake fifth declension nouns for __________declension. The endings of the masculine or feminine Fifth declension are

nominative -es
genitive -ei
dative -ei
accusative -em
ablative -e

nominative -es
genitive -erum
dative -ebus
accusative -es
ablative –ebus
dies, -ei, m., day

Nominative - ______
Genitive- _______
Dative- ________
Accusative - _______
Ablative - ________
Nominative - ______
Genitive - ________
Dative - ___________
Accusative - _______
Ablative - _______

Answer Keyy:
In Latin nouns are separated in something called declensions. The fifth declension is like the first declension which is feminine. The fifth stem is sometimes called –e stem nouns. Sometimes people mistake fifth declension nouns for third declension. The endings of the masculine or feminine Fifth declension are

nominative -es
genitive -ei
dative -ei
accusative -em
ablative -e

nominative -es
genitive -erum
dative -ebus
accusative -es
ablative –ebus
dies, -ei, m., day

Nominative - dies
Genitive- diei
Dative diei or die
Accusative - diem
Ablative - die
Nominative - dies
Genitive - dierum
Dative - diebus
Accusative - dies
Ablative - diebus

becca1 said...

5th Declension
Tense S P
Nom -es -es
Gen -ei -erum
Dat -ei -ebus
Acc -em -es
Abl -e -ebus

masc. & fem. nouns
Song: pop goes the weasel
Most of the time with reg. declensions -i are replces with -e

Sing or Plur
1. dies sunt - plur
2. dies est - sing
3. dierum - plur
4. rei- sing
1. die - Abl
2. in diebus - Dat

RunsWithPeacocks said...

Lesson Plan:

Singular endings: Nom –es, Gen –ei, Dat –ei, Acc –em, Abl –e.

Plural endings: Nom –es, Gen –erum, Dat –ebus, Acc –es, Abl –ebus.

Most 5th declension nouns are feminine (affair, matter, thing, or day).

Last declension of nouns in Latin.

Very small group of 5th declension nouns.

Identified by the –ei on the end of the genitive case.

Practice Questions:

Tell the case and number of each 5th declension noun.

1. Diei - Case –
Number –

2. Dierum - Case –
Number –

3. Diebus - Case –
Number –

4. Die - Case –
Number –

5. Diem - Case –
Number –

Practice Questions Key:

1. Diei - Case – Gen
Number – Singular

2. Dierum - Case – Gen
Number – Plural

3. Diebus - Case – Abl
Number – Plural

4. Die - Case – Abl
Number – Singular

5. Diem - Case – Acc
Number – Singular


SarahOlivia <3 said...

Second Period
Sarah A. & Laura S.

For fifth declension nouns, Laura and I used the endings of fifth declension nouns and put them to the tune of "Oops I Did it Again” by Britney Spears and "Just Like A Pill" by P!nk. Then we sang it for the people in the groups we were put in.

for singular, it goes:
ES [ee es]
EI [ee eye]
EI [ee eye]
EM [ee eh-em]
Fi-ifth Declension Si-ingular
ES [ee es]
EI [ee eye]
EI [ee eye]
EM [ee eh-em]
LONG E [long ee-ee-ee-ee]
Masculine and Feminine
^^ to the chorus of “Oops I Did it Again”

for plural, it goes:
ES [ee-es]
ERUM [ee ah-are you em]
EBUS [ee bee-ee you es]
ES [ee-ee es]
EBUS [ee bee-ee you es]
Fifth Declension Plural Nouns
Insteada makin’ me better, you keep makin’ me ill.
You keep makin’ me ill.
ES [ee-es]
ERUM [ee ah-are you em]
EBUS [ee bee-ee you es]
ES [ee-ee es]
EBUS [ee bee-ee you es]
Masculine and Feminine
Insteada makin’ me better, you keep makin’ me ill.
You keep makin’ me ill.
^^ to the chorus of “Just Like A Pill”