I taught the first and second declension song that we were taught in class. Next i had made little note cards with all the ending for the 2 declensions and they had to put them in order according to how the song went.
First Declension Second Declension a ae us/er i ae arum i orum ae is o is am as um os long a is long o is
first declension and second declension is sung to the tune Row Row Row Your Boat
Well, for our group we made a memory gave with the !st ad @nd declension nouns. Ok. So we had 3 groups. One group had the noun endings, another had the number and the third group was the case. You had to pick 3 cards while they were facing down and if they matched you get to go again. We let them use the noun chart. Basically, if you know how toplay old maid, then you know how to play this
I taught the first and second declension song that we were taught in class. Next i had made little note cards with all the ending for the 2 declensions and they had to put them in order according to how the song went.
First Declension Second Declension
a ae us/er i
ae arum i orum
ae is o is
am as um os
long a is long o is
first declension and second declension is sung to the tune Row Row Row Your Boat
I reintergrated the 1st and 2nd Declension song. We sung the song and i went over some of the notes from the noun chart.
i.e- Puella-ae, Ancilla-ae
i.e- Puer-i, Porcus-i
The 1st and 2nd Declension song was to the beat of "Pop Goes the Weasel"
There’s 1st and 2nd declension
1st is fem and the opposite (mas) for 2nd
The songs:
1st: A, AE, AE, AM, A, AE, ARUM, IS, AS, IS
2nd: US/ER, I, O, UM, O, I, ORUM, IS, US, IS
(Sing to the tune of Pop goes the weasel (for the 1st) and Row the Boat (for the 2nd))
Cornelia est. puella
Well, for our group we made a memory gave with the !st ad @nd declension nouns.
Ok. So we had 3 groups. One group had the noun endings, another had the number and the third group was the case. You had to pick 3 cards while they were facing down and if they matched you get to go again. We let them use the noun chart.
Basically, if you know how toplay old maid, then you know how to play this
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