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05 February 2009

Rotation 1 Mythology-Hercules

Post your lesson plans and activities here.


alquan3 said...

Hercules' Labors
1. kill a lion. He skinned the lion and used his skin as a shield b/c it was impenetrable
2. Slay the nine headed hydra
3. bring back a boar
4. Rid the lake of the killer birds
5. Catpure the sacred stag of Artemis
6. Clean the stables of King Augeas
7. bring back the gold belt of the queen of the Amazons
8. bring back his human eating mares
9. bring back the fire-breathing bull
10. bring back a herd of red cows
11. go to Hera’s secret garden and pick 3 golden apples
12. travel to the underworld and bring back a 3 headed dog

I created a POwerPOint

cjcr said...


 Hercules was the son of ________ and the mortal ___________.
 Zeus’ wife, ________ repeatedly tried killing him. In one instance when he was a baby, she put _________ in his crib.
 Originally he had ______ labors, but then changed to _______. King _________ assigned Hercules the labors.
 As his first Labor, Heracles was challenged to kill the ________ lion.
 Heracles was to seek out and destroy the __________ and ________-_______ Hydra.
 The third Labor was the capture of the ___________ hind.
 The fourth Labor took Heracles back to ___________ in quest of an enormous _____, which he was challenged to bring back alive.
 The 5th labor Heracles was to clean out the _______ of King Augeas in a single day. Augeas possessed vast herds of ______ which had deposited their manure in such quantity over the years that a thick aroma hung over the entire _______________.
 The sixth Labor pitted Heracles against the _____________ birds, who inhabited a marsh near ______ ____________ in Arcadia.
 Queen Pasiphae of Crete had been inspired by a vengeful god to fall in love with a bull, with the result that the _______________was born -- a monster half-man and half-bull that haunted the Labyrinth of King _______. Pasiphae's husband was understandably eager to be rid of the bull, which was also ravaging the Cretan countryside, so Hercules was assigned the task as his ________ Labor.

5.monstrous, many-headed
8.stables, cattle, peloponnesus
9.stymphalion, lake stymphalion
10.mintoar, minos, seventh

we created go fish!

KyooHee said...

My group created a pretty scrapbook. It was just pictures that related to the 12 labors of Hercules. Each person cut out the pictures I found and pasted them on construction paypa and colored it to make it pretty.

1. Simba (yes, from Lion King xP).
2. Hercules fighing the Hydra while holding the lion's skin.
3. Hercules wrestling a boar
4. Pretty deer (:
5. Barn, river, and dung
6. Mean looking bird and a lake
7. A fat bull
8. 4 mean looking horsies
9. Belt
10. A buncha cattle in a field
11. Golden apple
12. Hercules fighting 3 headed dog (Cerberus)

Cate... said...

My group made puppets of the twelve labors. What we did was basically take a ruler and tape a picture on one end of it. Then it made a puppet. We presented them just like a puppet show with Hercules defeating each task.