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17 February 2009

History: Roman Monarchy

Roman Monarchy: Post here


Anonymous said...

AK Period 2

In our groups, we did a brief explanation of the Roman Monarchy such as where it started and the history, as well as the seven leaders and time span that they were from.

For our review game, we made a flash card game with terms on it such as ruled for this many years, and the answer would be 7. There were eight total cards and 4 matches.

The terms were:
Tiberius Superbus
# of kings
ruled for this many of years
founded rome
7th and final king of Rome

The students matched the cards with the correct and terms, helping them learn the basic background of the Roman Monarchy, where it came from, and how long it lasted.

Bryan said...

We made a borad game to review the different aspects of the roman republic. each spot on the board asked a question and if the answer was correct you got money, whoever had the most money at the end won.

Anonymous said...

In our groups, we gave an explanation of Roman Monarchy. Going over information such as how Rome got its name and information of all 11 kings.

--KiNgLaRRy.. said...

For the roman monarchy I gave the students a page of notes (will include) to refer to and a crossword puzzle with some elements of the notes. The terms were Romulus,Enee,Imperium, toga crimson,
Prefet of rome and rex. I used the hints


1. principal sign of the king
5. had power when king was not
6. and founds the town of Lavinium

2. judicial power to appoint officials
3. latin for king
4. first king of rome

Unfortunately I could not include the crossword, but I do have the notes that they referred to to play the game.

According to the tradition brought back by Tite-Live in particular, after the Trojan War, the Trojan hero Énée crosses the Mediterranean and founds the town of Lavinium in Italy. His/her son Ascagne founds the Alba-the-Long town of . From this family will be born the twins Romulus and Rémus. The kings, other than Romulus, founder of the city, were selected with life, by the people of Rome. In the beginning, it seems that an assembly of seines (ripe man) and shepherds familiarum had authority on the members of their family but also on the greatest possible number of customers. These Shepherds , brought together in senate, names a rex , temporarily equipped with the capacity during the Interrègne. The King is then chosen by the Comices curiates but is definitively named only after the Augure S confirm that the decision is favorable. The senate was to control all the process. According to the tradition, no king had to make use of the weapons to seize the power. The capacity seems to be become hereditary only starting from the fourth king. What will make say to the republicans whom the old kings were selected according to their virtues and not of their origins. It is not known which is the true nature of the capacity, i.e. if the function had really a capacity or if the king were submitted at an assembly. It seems that the decisions of the king, starting from Servius Tullius, could be discussed by the Comices curiates and were to be validated, but it is not known if the capacity of the king were absolute. What is sure, it is that only the king had the right to carry out L “Auspice and thus to know the Augure S. the base even of the Roman faith rested on the setting in agreement between the actions and the will of the gods. Consequently, no public affair could be carried out without the will of the gods being known via the auspices. The Romans recognized the king like a mediator between them and the gods and according to the tradition Romulus was best Haruspice S. the function of Pontifex maximus is created according to the tradition by Numa Pompilius, but the function of Rex sacrorum remains paramount in the rites, so that even abolished monarchy, it will continue to exist. In addition, the king had of the Imperium , the judicial power, of the possibility of appointing the officials, the members of the senate and especially the Préfet of Rome, who had all the capacities when the king was not downtown.
The kings had the right to sit down on the curule Chair, to carry the Toga picta , of the red shoes, and a white diadem around the head. The toga crimson being the principal sign. The king could be also made accompany by twelve Licteur S carriers of Fasces , an axe symbolizing the capacity of justice.