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06 April 2009

Tolerance (Monday Warm-up)

What is tolerance? How can we teach/learn tolerance? Why is it important in today's world?


Anonymous said...

tolerance is showing respect for different things. you accept difference and show repect for them even if you do not agree with it or share the same belief of it. we can teach tolernce by repecting others and their beliefs. it is important in todays world because is makes for peaceful interaction among people. this is important because it can help avoid conflicts. ~becca m b1

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is letting something go even when it is something that really buggs you or makes you angry. We can teach tolerance by letting things go and moving on, and teaching our children to do the same thing. It is important in todays world because if we never let anything go and move on, then the pressure of sort bulds up inside. At one point or another, one little thing will make a person "explode".
~Abby S. B.1

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is being tolerant of other things that you are not accusomed to. You can teach tolerance by introducing different things to people who are not used to them, and you can laern tolerance by trying different cultures. It is very important in todays world because i think everyone should have some type of tolerance because it is key to living in this world as of today because everyone is so different, also if you cant tolerate something to a certain extent then you have ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance to me is a personal amount of a certain thing that you can take from situations I guess. I think you can teach tolerance by learning how to control and how to handle new situations. I think you can learn from them by showing that u can tolerate alot and that you have controls of alot of the situtions. Tolerance is important because it is so much that goes on in this world for you not to have tolerance, whether its for people or the economy!

- Jalisa McAllister

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is just showing that you can withstand or put up with something that really bugs you or ticks you off. I think it is important because you may not always like who you work with or go to school with but you have to put up with them.

-Kia Medina. Period 1

Anonymous said...

Tolerance isn't the liking or understanding of another persons religon, customs, or ideas its simply the putting up of them. It can be important because through tolerance people can be allowed to practice their own customs, religon, etc, but tolerance is not always the best path.

- Brandon
Period - 1

The Riveted said...

Tolerance is the understanding of others beliefs, customs, and ways of life!!!! We can learn to be tolerant by getting out in the world and understanding other ppl!!! Tolerance is important in today's world b/c if you are not tolerant then there will be war and arguements!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is the ability to be able to put up with someone or something even though you may not like it. People may be able to obtain tolerance but not everyone has that ability. Tolerance can be tought by learning to respect people for who they are and not make fun of them for what they like or what they believe in. We can teach tolerance by learning about people's beliefs and likings. In today's world it is important because the United States and the world is a very cultural and diverse place. Many people in this world have different customs and beliefs and people (such as Americans) have a hard time understanding and accepting people for who they are. Americans try and change people to become American. Tolerating people is accepting people for who or what they believe in, and letting it be.
-Andrew Period 2

SarahOlivia <3 said...

Tolerance is being able to let people do what they believe in or are accustomed to and accept what they do. We can learn tolerance by learning more about other people, and that way we will be more able to accept them. It is important to tolerate other people in today's world because it is so easy to get angry. If we know more about each other, we can all be pretty much tolerant of each other.
~Sarah 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is ones ability to stay under control, even when influenced by something. It is a matter of control and it can be built up over time. People display tolerance when showing respect for something, even though we don't agree with it or don't like it. Tolerance can also be displayed when peace treaties are established. INstead of fighting over something you dissagree with, you find waysto resolve it and agree to dissagree

Anonymous said...

I think that tolerance is understanding and respect. When you are tolerent you don't freak out in stressful situations and you learn how to get along with others, and you also learn how to respect their differences.You can teach tolerance by being an example. When you show respect to others, other people may try to do the same. Tolerence is very importantin todays society, becasue we are essentially a melting pot of different cultures.We have to learn how to be tolerant of each other to get along.~ nhandi kenion (period 2)

Anonymous said...

Tolerence is the capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others. You can show tolerence by just excepting others for who they are. You can teach tolerence by showing others how every one is different and every one has their own beliefs. Tolerence is important in the world today because no one is the same and every one has differnt beleifs and practices. ~ Krystal T. p. 2

alquan3 said...

tolerance to me is how much you can take of something but you can have religious tolerance meaning you allow different religons to practice what it is that they practice. I don't have tolerance for BS and fake people but at times i tolerate a lot of fake people and fake situations.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is when you let something go by you without caring even though it bothers you. You can show tolerance when someone is yelling at you and trying to get you to fight and you just walk away. Many people believe that you should keep fighting but that doesnt show tolerance it shows how you cant be tolerant. You can learn tolerance by disciplining yourself and not giving into peer pressure. Tolerance is important because tolerance shows how self discipined you are and it is good and helps establish respect.

Britton Scott E.
Period 2
Monday April 6, 2009

Anonymous said...

Tolerence is not necessarily embracing something that you don't like, but not putting up barriers against it. Say you don't like cherry pie. You don't have to eat it, but you shouldn't stop someone else from eating it either. We can teach tolerence by having discussions about things we feel differently about so that we can understand each other. Tolerance is important in our society because we have a lot of different tastes and different lifestyles in America, and nothing is suitable for everyone. Just like cherry pie though, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have any right to stop someone else from indulging. ~ Hannah period 2

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is when you let something pass you by even if it may bother you. We can teach tolerance by being respectful and caring to others even if they annoy you. It is important in todays world because if you dont let things go, there will be drama and fights. So dont hold grudges and be nice to everyone, and the world will be peaceful and great.


Dawn :P said...

Tolerance is when you have an "accepting" attitude towards people who differ from you. How we can teach tolerance is to be tolerant of others ourselves so we can set an example and show people the importance of being tolerant. It is very important in today's world because our world is so diverse and to make our world a better place and to have peace, we have to work together.

Katherine=] said...

Tolerance is showing respect for something that you may or may not agree with. If you see someone that is complaining or not doing what they should be you can explain what tolerance is and tell them it could help them in the end. If alot of people arnt tolerable the world would be chaos and nothing would work. Schools would have no students and no one wouold work. Tolerance is tought to most everyone from the time they are born.
Katherine, Period 2.

Anonymous said...

I think to improve tolerance we should have more foreign exchange students. That way we will have to deal with them whether we like it or not. They will live here and go to class with us. And they will probably be smarter than us so even though we wont like them, we will still pretend to like them so they will help us with our work. And maybe they wont be too bad to begin with, so we wouldnt have to worry about not liking them.

Jake Becerra p2

Jane said...

Tolerance is accepting something, but not embracing it. People can tolerate certain things, but not really want to express it. We can learn to tolerate people and things that are different than us, but we need to be able to embrace our differences. I think it's important to be able to tolerate things, but it's important in todays world that we are optomistic about our differences.

chelsea jane 3rd.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is accepting different things about other people. You may view these things as annoying or different but being tolerant is looking past these things. In todays world tolerance is important because it allows us to embrace the differences of others and it can help to allow a more peaceful interaction among people.
Jake West Period 3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is like patience. Without patience you will always be annoyed or angered in some way. The only way i can think of to teach tolerance or learn it is through doing yoga and other calming activities. It will make you wait which will make you patient. Its just something you have to try to accomplish. ~JTREXLER 3rd Period

Anonymous said...

tolerance is defined as the act or capacity of enduring. tolerance can be exercised through the acceptance of others, personalities or anything that requires patience or longsuffering. tolerance is important to get forward in the world on things such as job sites and even schools.
alyssa l. period 3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is being able to hold your tongue when needing to the most. In a way it's like showing respect or being courteous. Learning tolerance is usually something you do as you get older and sometimes you are raised to be tolerant. Tolerance is important in today’s world because it can keep peace among Americans, immigrants, natives, and etc. Tolerance is also one of the main things in our world today that reduces conflict all together.

Ashley R. 3rd period

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is being respectful to other cultures and people, even when you may not share the beliefs. Tolerance can be learned by experiencing other cultures and by learning to understand them better. Tolerance is important because we live in a global society and are constantly exposed to other cultures. ~DR P3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is respecting other people. Today, we need to learn how to respect other people's beliefs and cultures. People should try to actually understand peoples beliefs or their traditions before judging them. Even if you do not have the same views as someone else it is important to not put their views "down." It is important to not only tolerate differences, but to respect them.
Deana 4th period

We Are All a Little Insane said...

tolerance is being able to deal with different things without blowing your lid. by not taking everything so seriously all the time. b/c if we take everything serious then we could never have a good time.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is the ability to put up with something that really irritates you or bothers you. Its really important to show tolerance, because without it, our world would be a very harsh place to live. There would probably be a lot more war since many cultures would no longer tolerate others traditions and morals. Also, it helps provide respect between people and helps them avoid fights. We can help teach tolerance by showing how to put up with others beliefs and showing them how to be respectful.

-Brooke Knopp; Pd 3

ChibiDarkrai said...

Tolerance is respecting other's beliefs. Tolerance means one accepts dirrerences between themself and other people. Tolerance is not synergizing because one would see differences as weaknesses, not strengths. One cannot just be tolerant. One must celebrate and revel in these differences, which make us as unique as snowflakes. -Nick M.

Lauren W. said...

Tolerance is the understanding of other peoples beliefs, practices, choices, and actions. You do not need to agree with them but you need to understand why they do what they do. Tolerance or intolerance is learned by example shown by other people. Tolerance is especially important in todays world because there are so many cultures, people, and just so many different things.
Lauren Wilson
Period 4

ChibiDarkrai said...

Yes i just made a 7 Habits reference.

Danielle Hertz said...

Tolerance is being able to deal with things and not take action against it. We can teach tolerance to people by showing respect to everyone. Tolerance is important today because it can avoid war and help people learn to love each other.
~danielle period 4

Anonymous said...

In my opinion tolerance is the ability to deal with pressure, different people, and just to be understanding. Tolerance is important because there are so many different types of people in the world. Everyone is different and therefore we all have different personalities. Sometimes we disagree and argue with each other, but tolerance is being understanding and respectful of others opinion even when you don't neccessarily agree with them.
-Shaniqua G.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is having the ability to deal with something that bugs you. Tolerance is also is having patience for something that annoys you. We can teach tolerance to younger individuals by teaching them to have respect and patience. Tolerance is such a big issue when dealing with ignorant people so that is when our tolerance is tested. Tolerance is extremely important in today's world because our society has changed dramatically so learning how to transcend with society is having the ability to accept and appreciate tolerance.
Bria Pd-4

Ms. PaperPlanes_011 said...

Tolerance is a action in where you show respect for different things that you may not be accostumed to. Tolerance is important for this day in time because there are many different people who come from different backgrounds and believe different things. We may not agree with what they believein, but we have to learn to respect their beliefs. Isn't that what America is all about? I think it's really important to teach tolerance at a very young age because as children get older, they kind of get stuck in their own ways. TOLERANCE IS THE KEY!

KyooHee said...

Tolerance is putting up with something that you don't agree with. You might want to say why it's wrong, but you tolerate it and don't start an argument. Someone who is tolerant, I think, it more broad-minded and willing to accept different things. You can teach/learn tolerance by seeing how not tolerating something can lead to disagreement and fights..which in the end can get pretty pointless. We need to realize that being intolerant won't lead you anywhere. The world needs to learn to be more tolerant because they need to realize that they're not always right and there are other ways to approach things.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is an interest in other peoples ideas and concerns and the ability to deal with things. I think you can teach tolerance by being a respectful person and showing others that you care and have an interest in what they have to say. We can learn tolerance by having patience and putting forth an effort to deal with whatever it may be when you least like it. It's important in todays world because everybody has an opinion. Those people that have their own opinion have the right to express theirs as we do to ours, and sometimes it's better when you hear different opinions to get different perspectives and to avoid conflicts. Bryan Lee p.4

RunsWithPeacocks said...

Tolerance is the respect and understanding of other peoples beliefs, views, or ideas, even if you do not agree with them. We can teach tolerance by training our children to be open to opposing views. It is important to be tolerant in today's world because of the vast diversity of the world population and the diversity in their beliefs. If people are more tolerant of other peoples ideas and beliefs, a possible result could be less conflict between two beliefs.
-Daniel F, 4

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is the acceptance of people's differences: being able to accept other people's race, religion, and look. Parents can teach their children to be tolerant by teaching them not to judge people. Children should learn that the way a person looks or what they believe in doesn't define the kind of person they are on the inside. It is important to learn tolerance so that we don't have a repeat of our past. We don't want to go through segregation and racism again because people aren't tolerant of other people's differences.

Nakita Period 4

Anonymous said...

The defintion of tolerance is a fair and permissive attitude toward people whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality are different from yours. we need to teach people what tolerance is because in todays society everyone is different and everyone deserves to be treated the same. people cant help where they come from or what race they are. so everyone needs to learn to deal with it. it is 2009 we should be pass this issue. if you arent tolerate it going to be pretty hard to get somewhere in life.
Malcolm 4th period

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is being respectful of others and their beliefs and accepting. This can include culture, language, or religion. We can teach this and learn this by not judging others and accepting others for who they are. This is important because this deviates from conflict and makes the world a better!
~angelia f. [1st period]

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is the ability to respect ones opinions and decisions. We can teach tolerance by accepting others and their views. Its important because its what shapes our society.


Anonymous said...

Tolerance is esentially respecting people and their opinions even though they may be totally and completely different than you and/or your opinions. We can teach/learn tolerance by practicing it ourselves...hoping people learn tolerance by setting an example. Tolerance is important in today's world because everyones different. If we didn't practice tolerance in some form we'd have another thing we like to refer to as the Holocaust.
*Becca Stamm
Period - 1

Mickey said...

Tolerance is being able to put up with something you don't neccessarily like. It takes a lot of control to let something that just bothers you deeply. Tolerance is hard to teach because it is something that most people are born into. Some of us can tolerate a lot, while some of us have absolutly no tolerance. It is important in today's society because there is many different peole in this world with many different cultures and customs some of us might not agree on. If we don't show any tolerance to these peopl, then we will never intergrate and become one happy planet! Mickey Pd.3

Anonymous said...

I think that tolerance is something within an individual. No can make some one tolerate a person, race, color or attitude. I believe tolerance is something one obtains. Saying that I think if some one is taught to tolerate certain things when they are at youth they will use it throughout life. If you try to teach it too late there is no hope. Tolerance is the accepting of diverse idea or something out of the usual everyday livings.

**Tandrea M. Alston**

Anonymous said...

Tolerance doesn't sound right to me. Tolerance sounds like "I'm just putting up with this person because I have to!" I think we sould start finding the good apsects of people and respecting their differences. I think people would get along better if they were able to accept other's faults more easily.

-Cole A. p. 2

Cate... said...

Tolerance is having an open mind towards others, whether it relates to their beliefs, religion, or anything in their life. We can teach tolerance by showing in our everyday life. Then, as we get older and more mature, we will start to apply it through our actions and words. It's important today because throughout the world there are many differnt opinions, belifs, and religions.
-Cate, Period 1

Kelsey the Ewok said...

Tolerance is dealing with something or accepting that you can't change it even if you don't like it. It's not a celebration of differences but it's good enough if you can tolerate someone and their differences if you can't bring yourself to celebrate them for what makes them who they are.

Make sense?

~Kelsey 1st Period

SJordan said...
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SJordan said...

I think tolerance is having the patience to allow something to happen. I also think tolerance is looking at things from different perspectives of others.

~shaunte' shaunte'[1st period]

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is so broad. Tolerance could deal with family, drugs, food, living, government, social life, animals, etc.. i think that every person should have some level of tolerance. this level of tolerance to me is know as "what is only human", meaning i think one should tolerate what one must tolerate on a normal basis something that should be able to be dealt with. This could be your neighbor playing the music too loud. Something i don't think you should develop a tolerance for is friends being drunk or being beat. Tolerance makes one human without which they would be miserable and stuck inside there own narcissistic world.

Aaron Nix

Bryan F. said...

In my head, tolerance means the ability to survive in a world of people. In other words... tolerance is ones ability to deal with another. Yes, tolerance can mean many more things than this (IE: tolerance of pain etc.), but I immediately think people when I hear tolerance. I, personally, have zero tolerance. I either like you or don't. Why is this? Survival. You can't succeed in life if you give people to much leeway. It is important to make concise decisions about your friends. So... How can we learn/teach tolerance? I say experience... Trying to force tolerance on someone is a stupid idea. Period. Tolerance is gained through adaptations. I have learned to build myself a type of tolerance, but I personally wouldn't call it tolerance... Then again I don't know what I would call it. So, In general, why is tolerance important in today's world? I would say it's important for team work and to keep progressing forward in life. For example, if you cannot tolerate your boss, what would you do? Throw coffee in his face? Or live with it until you get enough experience to move up in the ranks and finally move on with your life.
~Bryan F P1

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is patients. Its the ability to deal with whatever comes your way. A good example of tolerance is walking away when you are in a confrontation. The only way to tolerance is through experience. As we progress in life we gain many skills and are taught many lessons; one of which is tolerance. Tolerance is important because we are not always going to get what we want when we want them.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is dealing with things that you typically don't like. Tolerance is having patience with annoying things; -Maxx

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is important in the world today due to the many religons and cultures. Tolerance is something that you learn and need to except especially today. I think that everybody should be tolerant.

Blake Pereira
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is being respectful to other's different opinions and ideas and lives. You should have a good attitudes toward what they believe and they will have tolerance towards you. We can teach tolerance by being tolerant and we can learn to be good at tolerance by just trying.

Aaron Gallimore period-2 said...

What is tolerance? How can we teach/learn tolerance? Why is it important in today's world?

Tolerance is the ability to understand things that happen and cope with them. Not over react or anything but keep your cool and also a level head. we can teach tolerance the best by being a great example of it and observing from it and applying it. There is so much going on that tolerance is always needed, and you would probablly get in alot of trouble if you lacked it.

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is basically the ablility to withstand a certain situation without getting angry, or frustrated. I believe that tolerance is an innate trait in which means you are either born with it or not. If you are not born with the trait of tolerance, then you are more than likely not very patient and you most likely have some sort of anger management issue. I believe that tolerance is important in today's world because patience is a virtue meaning that if you have patience then you can basically wait out any situation that comes to you, meaning that you will defeat most of those situations or challenges. So is tolerance important... very much so.

brandon meeks period 2

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is a skill. To be tolerant of something is simply to be open minded. When you are tolerant you don't nesacerilly decide that something is right, you just decide that everyone is different, and what is right for you may not be right for them. So long as what ever another demographic does doesn't hurt you, be tolerant and let it go. People that are not tolerant should do something about that because theyhave no right to tell someone that what they're doing is wrong.

"Why is it that people with closed minds always have to open their mouths"

.:. Joey .:.

Giancarlo Cecchini said...

I do not believe that everyone should be tolerant, but they should rather be accepting of others. Being tolerant means to overlook others and the things that seperate them from you, since no one is exactly the same. Thats why, in todays world, we should be accepting and not tolerant.

Anonymous said...

I believe tolerance is a skill that many people acquire over the years. Tolerance takes patience and time to develop. Tolerance is being able to handle different situations and deal with them accordingly. I know that i have an immense amount of tolerance with my mom. I get so annoyed when she starts asking question, after question and i dont think i can deal with it anymore. But i am patient and respectful and she is finally done and it is over. That is tolerance.

Walker Stanley said...

Tolarance is important because it allows us to act and be free as we wish. We would not be able to practice for example a certain religion if people didn't have tolerance. It is imporant because in a way it bonds us together.

Walker Stanley
Period 3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance means that you are TOLERANT of other people, beliefs, cultures, etc. If you're Catholic, your beliefs may disagree with those of other religions, but you don't have to go on a bloody CRUSADE because of it. If we don't push our beliefs onto each other, it's a lot easier to get along. This is important because so many different groups of people are intermixed in today's world, and they HAVE to be able to live together and be civil.

Anonymous said...

^ LS 3rd

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is accepting others differences and accept each other. I don’t think anyone can really be taut tolerance you have to learn to by yourself through social understanding. I think we could help people realize its wrong by having a support group for people who we know who have a learned behavior.

-Jake Hassell Period 3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is being able to put up with what others think, say, or do. It's showing respect even if you don't agree with what they think. We can teach tolerance by by showing people that it's not impossible to respect others beluiefs.

-Chelsea J. period 3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is accepting other people and their customs or traditions or habits or whatever it is, regardless of if you agree with it or not. You can teach tolerance by, like, making people work together who come from different backgrounds. You could also just show tolerance and hope that other people will follow your example. Tolerance is important in today's world because we're so interdependent on each other. Being able to work together is important for us to leave peacefully on this planet.
- Jodie White, Period 3

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is acceptance towards something. It is important in today's world because we need to have a tolerance toward other countries. With this it could create friendships and could stop wars because people are more likly able to get along. To teach tolerance would be hard because it is something that parents would have to teach childern at a young age.
Billy Workman
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Tolerance is when you have to learn to be patient or learning to deal with something that you are not used to. I think we just have to ;learn that other poeple are different and just have to accept tem as who they are. It is important beacsue where would the world be if we didnt have tolerance? You wouldnt have any friends or anything; you would be lonely. We all just have to learn to accept poele as who they are.
Mary W. Period 4

Anonymous said...

I think that tolerance is something that you gain throughout life. I think it depends mainly on how your parents act and that that is where you acquire your habits. I do also believe though that sometimes people will change and beleive their own things. Now a days i think that most people are relatively tolerant i would not consider myself to tolerant though as i often judge others before i even meet them. Thomas Witherington

Anonymous said...

tolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own. Overall, tolerance means respecting and understanding others point of views and opinion, even if they are different from yours. It's important to teach tolorance b/c going through life you need to build up good tolerance to get through. You have to understand that there are going to be other poeople who will agree and disagree with you according to their beliefs. You have to understand that your not always going to be right.

V.S - 1st period