Salvete Discipuli! Welcome to Isaac Bear Latin

28 October 2009

Questions 3: Learning Disabilities

Percy's learning difficulties become strenghts in a different context. What skills are valued most in today's society? How might students who struggle today have been successful in a different moment in history?


Jennifer Williams said...

Skills that are valued most in society are: attention span, reading and writing. Students who struggle today would have been able to do alot in history because in the book Percy's difficulties are really signs to him to help him with his abilities.
-Jennifer Williams, Blake Clark, Curtis Cribb.

Anonymous said...

Most skills that are valued today usually encompass ethics and behavior. These would be work-ethic skills, listening skills, basically just learning to sit down, be quiet, and do what you're told. However, back in the day, people's intelligence was valued over their ability to comply to rules. Someone might be able to become famous for their work, even though they would not succeed in a classroom setting. Also, if they had behavior problems, these probably would not have been detected if they were very subtle. Nowadays, if someone has any behavior problems most people believe the best remedy is to give these 'problem children' a multitude of pills.

Marina and Jeremy

DiMon Green said...

In societies today, skills such as listening patience, and a hard work ethic are favored a great deal. Today, students may be very intelligent but are unable to concentrate in a classroom setting. However, if these children lived 100 years ago, they might have been more successful b/c they could have applied thei knowledge and skills to the real world rather than limiting themselves to the classroom.

DiMon Green & Tala Khatib

Anonymous said...

Skills that are valued most in todays society are having a strong work ethic, intelligence, and the willingness to become successful. Students who struggle now might have been more successful in a different moment in history because the standards weren't as high then as they are now, and students weren't expected to be as smart.

Lizzy P and Alex P

Forrest said...

Today, literacy and mathematic ability are the most important traits. In other time periods, certain learning disabilities would be less disabling or even beneficial. For example, dyslexia wouldn’t mean a thing in medieval Europe, because only the church and the high class could read. Also, physical ability was much more important in older times than mental strength, because if you had to fight to survive (as a soldier, perhaps) or your work was farming (without McCormick’s reaper, farming must have been much more difficult), your stamina, and strength were paramount.

Forrest & Bob

Tin Nguyen said...

A skill that is valued in society is how well you do in school. Some students may not be great in school, but great in another skill like painting or drawing. The reason is because back then, a lot of people didn't focus in education, but in art and sculpture like in the Renaissance.
-Tin Nguyen and Kelly Jones

Amanda Purkaple said...

Some skills that are valued highly in today's society are the natural ability to learn things quickly and understand them, entertain and practically any thing you can think of that people can make money doing.
Students who struggle today may have been successful in a different moment in history because kids who are "overweight" today are teased and bullied but in medieval times, anyone who was overweight, was looked at as wealthy and awesome!
--Amanda and Lindi

Andy Platt said...

These days most men will choose brawn over brains and women will choose beauty over brains. These traits aren't going to help you in modern day life, espesially with the growing need for really smart people for high-tech jobs. Average GPA needed for college's are getting higher and higher.

Back in the day, I see how strength would be needed because if you weren't, you would be easily overpowered and overthrown. But still, modern day calls for smarter people.

Andy - Nicole.

Anonymous said...

In todays world, education is a very important thing. It wasn't as important back in the day. For example when Sparta existed, the boys left at the age of 7 to prepare for war. Percy's ADHD whould have helped greatly for this. They didn't have much to do with education like Athens, where they didn't have as much training for war. When America was discovered and people were moving West, having an adventurous personality is encouraged for expansion. However, now those who are adventurous can only explore already known territory which is nowhere near as fun.

Trevor Artz and Hamp Beddoes

Anonymous said...

The skills valued in today's society are: ability to focus, to intepert, and to be able to read and write. The people in today's society who struggle with these things would have had well battle skills and would have been able to read greek wording. If others were ADHD back then they would have had more energy and be able to understand multiple things going on around them.

-Lauren Bennett-

Madison Williams said...

skills valued today are how much you have learned in school: msth skills, science skills, reading & writing skills, and memorization skills are all valued in todays society.
difficulties in todays societies that could have succesful in the past are short attention spans are bad to have now adays but during war in the past it would have been very helpful because you would not be distracted by things going on around them.

By: Madison & Morgan!!!!!

Coronado, Chris said...

Skills that are valued in modern American society are lying, trickery, and being able to make money (unfortunately). :( However, in schools, the traits that are valued include: honesty, smartitude (intellect), a good and determined work ethic, and the ability to get serious (get Flexner). Today's students would be successful back in Roman times when they would be off fighting monsters (lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!). In our own period in history - the time of potions, magic, dragons, and *magical* dragons - their dylexia would allow them to read the formulas/names of ancient potions and spells, which would enable them to defeat dragons and heal their fallen companions.

Nos amamus tu,
CJ (Moros Eros) and Olivia (Asta Vega)

Alyssa DaVolio said...

Skills that are most valued in society today are: reading, writing, interpretation, mental awareness, and intellengence. Students with the learning disabilitiy of ADD would work well in history because during wars they would have had quicker reflexes and would have their attention better spread throughout the battlefield for they wouldn't be focused on one thing all the time.

Alyssa DaVolio and Kendall Moore

Anonymous said...

Ares is the god of war and when he says that America is the best place since Sparta he is referring to all of the battles that we have fought that are the most and greatest since the wars fought in Sparta. I do not agree with Ares’ assessment with America because the wars that America fights are for the wrong reasons.
austin and noah

Anonymous said...

The ability to read, write and apply skills are some of the most important in today’s society. If you have diseases like dyslexia, it would have been successful in Greek society because they could read that language better and not exactly have to read and write a language they are not made for.
austin and noah (ignore last post)

Anonymous said...

The skills that are not accepted in todays world, like ADD, would help warriors in mythlogy because it makes them more aware of their surroundings. In war,if the warrior was focused on only one thing he could be killed from something that he wasn't aware of. People who have ADD have a hard time focusing, which means that they would have been able to do more then one thing at a time, which could save thier lives. -Amber & Lena

Jennifer Wachowiak said...

The skills that are most valued today are being able to make money. Children with disablilities and children who struggle today were more useful 2000 years ago because in today society people need to have a working mind in order to figure out ways to make money in order to survive. So in order for people with disibilies to survive they have to have other people to help them.
-Jennifer Wachowiak, Lea Cenname

Rosa/Ari said...

In today’s society, characteristics like patience, education, and hard work are extremely valued. People who skip high school or never learned how to read are looked down on in society. As the number of children/people with ADD or ADHD increases, many people are also concerned with the lack of patience and academic skills of the youthful population. Percy, who has ADD, is rejected in this society, but these skills come in useful when he is in battle and needs to pay attention to every detail.